Mountain View County council has approved the terms of reference for the upcoming review of the municipal development plan. The move came by way of motion at the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The MDP is a top-level document that guides development throughout the county.
“The MDP review is part of the workplan for 2019 as directed by council,” administration said in a briefing note to council. “The terms of reference identify council as the steering committee for the review. It will provide administration with direction on five key topics through a series of workshops.”
The workshops will take place on the first council meeting days in March, April, May and the second council meeting day in June.
“Open house materials will be shared with county boards and commission for feedback to council prior to the first round of open houses to engage the public in November 2019 and a second round of open houses in March 2020.”
The current MDP was approved in July 2012 with a number of amendments made after that time. A total of $85,000 has been budgeted for the review.
The five review topics are as follows:
• subdivision potential, agricultural preservation area, potential multi-lot area, and fragmentation
• environmentally significant areas
• concentrated confined feeding operations
• growth centres
• special policy areas
The review will take place in four stages: key review topic steering committee workshops; open houses to engage the public; draft MDP for steering committee review; and open house to share draft of MDP.
The terms of reference states, in part, that, “The MDP review will align with the county’s strategic goals for agriculture, environment, governance and infrastructure. The purpose of public involvement is to inform and educate the public and stakeholders on the nature and requirements of the MDP.
“Key stakeholders to be involved in the review will include internal departments, provincial agencies, public utilities, public agencies, public authorities, landowners, and business, commercial and industrial interests.”
Any update to the MDP would require a motion of council.