Mountain View County council has passed first and second reading of a new code of conduct for councillors.
The move came by way of motions at the recent regularly scheduled council meeting. The county’s policies and priorities committee reviewed the new code earlier this month.
The updated provincial Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires that all councils pass bylaws outlining setting out new codes of conduct.
The proposed new code of conduct bylaw for MVC includes a number of sections:
- The Code of Conduct section states, in part, that, “council recognizes the importance of maintaining the highest levels of integrity and ethical behaviour while providing effective governance and leadership for the community.”
- The Respectful Interactions section states, in part, that council shall “communicate and work with fellow councillors in an open and honest manner, promoting a spirit of cooperation by listening and respecting those opinions that may differ” and “demonstrate equity, accountability and integrity in all dealings, both personal and professional, with all councillors, staff, residents and stakeholders to facilitate an open and honest environment to work, participate and do business.”
- The Improper Use of Influence section states, in part, that councillors must “refrain from any type of personnel management including providing direction to an employee, advocating for the promotion, sanction or termination of an employee, or discussion on the performance of an employee.”
- The Representing the Municipality section states, in part, that councillors should “represent the county in a professional and accountable manner while promoting the purposes of a municipality to provide good government, foster the well-being of the environment, and develop and maintain safe and viable communities.”
- The Use of Municipal Assets and Services section states, in part, that council “shall not use, or attempt to use, the county’s funds, property or information for personal benefit or gain of the councillor or any other person” and shall “disclose to council any behaviour or activity that may qualify as corruption, fiscal abuse, fraud or bribery.”
The code of conduct also sets out rules for submitting and handling complaints, as well as the makeup of the complaint process system.
- The Sanctions section reads, in part, that, “If it is determined by the complaint hearing board that a breach of this bylaw has occurred, the following actions may be imposed by resolution of council: A letter of reprimand addressed to the councillor; requesting the councillor issue a letter of apology, publication of the letter; and a requirement to attend training.”
A complaint form is also included in the overall code of conduct bylaw.
The proposed new code of conduct will be coming back before a future council meeting for possible third reading.