CREMONA -- The Village of Cremona council has received a number of reports from boards, commissions and committees. The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
Reports were presented by Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), the Cremona Municipal Library, the Didsbury and District CPAC, and Olds Rural Crime Watch Association.
The FCSS report included an update on the upcoming summer program.
“The library would like to partner with FCSS’s summer program. They would like to offer the kids that attend Summer Fun the option to get books at the end of the day.
“One of the Summer Fun staff would like to take our kids over. Parents would have to complete the paperwork for the library when they drop their children off in the morning. (FCSS officials) will let the library know that we’d be happy to partner with them. However, FCSS doesn’t want to in any way be responsible for any books taken.”
Regarding the community coffee program, officials said, “We were going to run the community coffee time for a couple months, but feel it’s worth doing longer so we will continue until the end of May, then take the summer off and look at it again in September.
The library report included an update on a mechanical incident.
“Water from the furnace and humidity system overflowed and flooded the floor,” the report stated. “Stevenson Homes removed damaged subfloor and a plumber rectified the problem so that it shouldn’t happen again. Jim Davies will be re-installing floor tiles. Everything was fixed at no cost to the library.”
The report also included this grant update: “A grant from the government of Alberta (Alberta Culture and Tourism) for a total of $2,825 has been approved and the cheque will be issued in the coming months. This is retroactive and therefore the expenses for the blinds and TV purchase and installation can be covered by this grant.
“Parkland has granted our library an allotment of $2,602 to spend on books and DVDs within their system. More study needs to go into how that number gets determined in order to see if our library can maximize that number in the future.”
The CPAC report included a review of a verbal report given by Staff Sgt. Chad Fournier, who said the detachment is seeing a decrease in property crime and an increase in persons crime.
“Police would like to see increased numbers in Carstairs reporting on suspicious persons, vehicles and property,” the report states.
The Olds Rural Crime Watch Association report included an update on the recent annual general meeting held in Bergen.
“In the meeting, RCMP from all the MVC region (said they) highly valued the volunteers’ contributions to regional crime reduction. The proper training, the network, and the community spirit appeared to be very helpful for catching and scaring away criminals.”
Councillors received all of the reports as information.