Mountain View County council has received information regarding 2017 grant funding allocations approved by the community services grant review committee.
The move came during council's recent regularly scheduled meeting. The committee approved the funding on May 8.
"The grants (transportation and operating assistance grants) are allocated to provide community organizations throughout MVC with transportation opportunities that are affordable and accessible to all rural residents," CAO Tony Martens said in a briefing note to council.
Funding went to lodges operated by Mountain View Seniors' Housing (MVSH), a seniors' club, community programs and other organizations.
MVSH lodges receiving funding were Aspen Ridge Lodge ($4,500), Chinook Winds Lodge ($4,500), Sundre Supportive Living Facility ($4,500) and Mount View Lodge ($4,500).
Carstairs and Community Half Century Club received $2,500.
Accredited Supports to the community ($4,000), Cremona FCSS/Village of Cremona formerly Gold & Silver ($4,000), Cremona School Enhancement Society ($2,400), Special Olympics Olds & District ($4,500), and Sundre Community Van Association ($2,000).
In all, $64,037.33 was requested this year, with $44,900 approved.
Council also reviewed 2017 cemetery grant funding totalling $12,480 approved earlier by the community services grant review committee.
Up to a maximum of $1,000 may be approved for each registered cemetery organization in the county in any given year.
"Grants may be used for general operational expenses such as grass cutting and general maintenance," said Martens. "Operating costs would only be approved to cemetery boards using the services of a yard care maintenance company.
"Approved funding may also be used for fixed outdoor assets such as benches, signage, mapping, garbage and recycling collection, storage shed that would enhance the ambiance of the cemetery. Special project requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis."
Cemeteries receiving $1,000 grants include those in Bergen, Bergthal, Carstairs, Cremona, Didsbury, Eagle Hill, Eagle Valley, Hainstock, Harmattan, Mayton, Sundre and Westcott.
In other news, council received an update on funding allocations totalling $201,920 approved earlier by the Cremona and District Recreation Board on May 11.
"The board distributes funding on behalf of Mountain View County due to the high percentage of rural residents in that community," said Martens.
"The board is responsible for ensuring that quality of life opportunities are available to the residents of the county through the development, management and support of recreational and cultural services."
Board funding is based on per capita amount for each recreation district in the municipality.
Groups receiving funding this year include the following:
Cremona Creative Arts Foundation - $10,000 for re-shingle roof work and replacement of existing windows.
ï Cremona and District Ag Society - $45,000 for operating expenses.
ï Cremona Community Engagement Society - $10,000 for technology update.
ï Cremona fun hockey team $18,000 to offset expenses.
ï Cremona Minor Hockey Association - $20,000 for ice rental and referees.
ï Cremona Skating Club - $20,000 for ice fees, coaching, partnering, Skate Canada.
ï Water Valley Public Library - $10,000 for books, presentation series, summer reading, upgrades.
ï Water Valley Stampede Association - $5,000 for overhaul of the roughstock penning area.
"The grants are allocated to provide community organizations throughout Mountain View County with transportation opportunities that are affordable and accessible to all rural residents."CAO Tony Martens