CARSTAIRS - At the recent regular council meeting, council approved an amended protocol on providing tax information policy.
The policy is in place to establish a consistent manner for supplying information to outside sources within the framework of the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act.
Council also approved the tax certificate and certificate of compliance fee policy. The purpose of that policy is to establish a fair price for the issuance of tax certificates and certificate of compliance stamps.
The municipal campground policy was also updated and approved by council.
"These are still part of the cleanup where we go through the policies and clean them up," said CAO Carl McDonnell. "All of them instead of having dollar figures on them, say based on the current rates and fees bylaws."
Added as new business was a report from Coun. Al Gil on the off-leash dog park committee.
"They had 97 surveys returned," said McDonnell. "He did an overview of the survey information. Council thanked him for the report. Now we will wait for the committee to come back with a recommendation."
The committee is looking into what size dog park would be needed, do they need benches, trees, bathrooms, things like that, said McDonnell.
"When they come back with all the requirements, we'll look into what the land requirement will be," he said.
Council received as information from Mountain View County the South Carstairs Area Structure Plan and draft document.
"Council accepted it as information," said McDonnell. "Any further discussion would be handled through the inter-municipal development committee."
Council received a subdivision application regarding lots on 9th Avenue.
"There were 11 lots there initially," he said. "The owner wants to consolidate so there are only four lots. So there will be the three buildings that are there and one to the south where another building would go. They did first reading of that and now it will go out to circulation."
Council received an inquiry from the public during question period regarding the speed limit change to 40 km/h and whether it was still scheduled for May 1.
"We don't have the signs yet," said McDonnell. "A lot of it will be dependent on when the signs come in. We have to put all the signs and the posts up at the same time. We would want to do an education program at the same time. That's the target date but no guarantee."