CARSTAIRS - At its regular council meeting on April 9, Carstairs council passed a bylaw to change the speed limit on all streets in town to 40 km/h unless otherwise posted, starting on May 1.
"We'll have areas like Highway 2A, 580 and 581 that are under provincial jurisdiction (so won't be affected)," said CAO Carl McDonnell. "Playgrounds and school zones, of course, stay at 30 kilometres per hour."
Prior to the regular council meeting there was a public hearing for the speed limit bylaw change. McDonnell said there were no members of the public in attendance although they did receive 16 written submissions that people either dropped off or emailed.
"There were eight for and eight against," he said. "Each one was accepted and then the public hearing was closed and we moved into council."
The town will be ordering the new signs very soon for the new speed limit, said McDonnell.
"We're looking at May 1 as the start," he said. "We'll be putting up signs – unless otherwise posted speed limit in town is 40 kilometres per hour. We order the signs, the frost comes out and we put the posts in."
Mill rate approved
In other council news, council adopted the 2018 mill rate, which stays at 6.9 per cent, and approved the budget for 2018.
"Council approved the mill rate bylaw," McDonnell said. "That approves the mill rate at 6.9 per cent for residential. So no mill rate increase over last year."
The estimated municipal expenditures and transfers set out for the Town of Carstairs for 2018 total $11,821,111, while the estimated municipal revenues and transfers from all sources other than taxation is estimated at $5,916,770 and the balance of $5,904,341 is to be raised by general municipal taxation.
The Mountain View Seniors' Housing Authority requisition is set at $101,027, while the Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) is set for $1,370,944 for residential/farmland, and $233,621 for non-residential.
The assessed value of all property in the Town of Carstairs as shown on the assessment roll is: residential and farmland $524,179,200; non-residential $58,809,700; and the total is $646,694,550.
Carstairs' operating budget for 2018 includes: total revenues $9,550,723 and total expenses $8,611,183. Carstairs' 2018 capital budget includes: total revenue $1,169,530 and total expenses $2,629,604. The capital listing for 2018 includes $1,730,000 for the street improvement program and $75,000 for Unit 32 replacement (replacement tractor).
Resident's request approved
Meanwhile, resident Don Speers appeared as a delegation to let council know he would be riding in the Ride to Conquer Cancer in August.
"They ride from Calgary out to Sundre, stay overnight, then ride back to Calgary," McDonnell said. "He wasn't looking for money. He was asking council if he could put information about the ride in the utility bill. Council set that up and will help get out the information that he is doing the ride."
Water, assessments discussed
Council approved an amendment to the bylaw regarding the regional assessment review board.
"We were just updating the bylaw," McDonnell said. "That was just updating the bylaw for that. That's a group we belong to in Central Alberta out of Red Deer."
Council reviewed the Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission (MVRWSC) 2018 business plan and accepted it as information. Council also carried a motion to review the rates as stated in the MVRWSC business plan.