Mountain View County has approved a land use re-designation to allow the proposed future expansion of an existing gravel pit in the Elkton-Rugby rural neighbourhood.
The move came by way of motion at the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The parcel is located northwest of Cremona at SW 30-30-4-5, east of Rge. Rd. 50 and north of Twp. Rd. 304.
The re-designation is from agricultural district to aggregate extraction/processing district (AEP).
“The gravel pit is known as the ‘Richardson Penner Pit’ and is currently operating under the operating regulations of the AEP district,” administration said in a briefing note to council. “This is a proposal to expand the operating area for an existing gravel extraction operation.
“The proposed expansion area is north of the existing operation and bound by a stand of trees along the eastern boundary. The area that is subject for the expansion is also covered with a stand of trees. The property is not within an ESA and the seasonal unclassified stream is outside of the proposed area.”
The applicant provided a comprehensive site development plan to the county as part of the re-designation proposal.
The plan states that the haul route would include 4.2 kilometres east on Twp. Rd. 304.
“All pit traffic will head east to Highway 22 and no traffic will head west from the site. It is anticipated a maximum of 100 trucks per day leaving the site during maximum, peak season and will likely be little to no truck movement over the winter months where frozen ground and precipitation prevent work.”
About 70 letters were sent out by the applicant to nearby landowners as part of the required public consultation process, councillors heard.
In a letter of concern about the proposed expansion, one nearby landowner said, in part, “As you can imagine, our main concerns are noise, dust, and an unsightly view. The gravel pit will impact our quality of life through loss of beauty, loss of peace and quiet, and decreased air quality. There is not much you can do about the noise as even the current operations are noisy when the pit is active.”
The writer called on the applicant to take measures to reduce the concerns.
“In terms of the view though, we would very much appreciate you leaving as many trees as possible between our house site and the pit.”
In a letter responding to the writer’s concerns, the applicant said, in part, that, “we strive to be good neighbours and are happy to leave as many trees as possible to create the visual barrier mentioned.”
About 80 per cent of the future gravel extracted from the site will go toward projects in Mountain View County, council heard.
No one spoke in support or opposition to the re-designation during the May 8 council meeting. Reeve Bruce Beattie and Coun. Al Kemmere did not attend the meeting.
Meanwhile, council has approved the re-designation of a property in the Water Valley-Winchell Lake rural neighbourhood from agricultural district to country residential district.
The move also came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The Division 2 property is located at SE 15-29-5-5. The re-designation is to subdivide an existing residential site for estate purposes.
“The subject lands are located west of the intersection of Twp. 292 and Rge. Rd. 52, about four kilometres south of the rural community of Water Valley,” administration said in a briefing note to council. “The predominant land use for this region is agriculture with surrounding residential development and a few recreational facilities in area, such as golf course and RV park.
“The proposal would be considered the third parcel removed from the quarter and is contemplating the creation of a fourth title. The subject lands are located in an area that will allow for a maximum of four titles per quarter section. The subject quarter does not contain any identified environmentally significant area.”
Council also gave first reading to a proposed re-designation of a property in the Westerdale rural neighbourhood from agricultural district to country residential.
The Division 7 property is located at SE 14-32-2-5. The re-designation would create a new residential parcel for a family friend to develop, council heard.
Councillors set the public hearing date for the re-designation on June 12 in council chambers.