The Mountain View County policies and priorities committee has received annual reports from seven of the municipality's committees of council. The move came during the committee's recent regularly scheduled meeting.
Reports were submitted by the Agriculture Services Board, the Cremona recreational board, the Eagle Valley area structure plan committee, the economic growth node (South Carstairs) area structure plan committee, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Strings and Keys scholarship committee, and the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.
The reports cover the activities of the various committees over the past year.
ï According the Agricultural Service board's report, the organization's activities have included ongoing participation in the alternative land use service program with an estimated 1,000 acres protected and enhanced, participation in the riparian ecological enhancement program with 24 projects funded, and partnering with the Grey Wooded Forage on the Canada thistle stem mining establishment project.
"For the last five years I have had the pleasure to chair the ASB. This has enabled me to see different parts of the province and realize that we all face many of the same challenges and that we must all stand together to effect change," chairman Eric Iversen said in the report.
ï The Cremona and District Recreation Board reports states that a total of $223,919 was approved for 25 projects representing 25 different organizations.
ï The Eagle Valley area structure plan committee's report states that accomplishments over the past year include a "significant amount of valuable engagement with the working group" and a "great deal of work on the draft area structure plan."
"The upcoming election (Oct. 16) provides some concern on the transition of responsibility to any new committee members," chairman James Smith said in the report. "We will require additional time prior to the next scheduled committee meeting to ensure new members have been updated on the necessary material."
ï The economic growth node (South Carstairs) area structure plan committee report states that 10 meetings have been held, as well as an open house.
"As of our last meeting in August, we have reached the point of having mainly fleshed out the area structure plan to present to the public," chairman Robin Fair said in the report. "We decided it would be prudent to delay setting the meeting until after the municipal election in October."
ï The municipal planning commission report states that accomplishments over the past year include that the "general deportment and understanding of this group of members to what administration in the dealing with the range of applications is advancing to use is positive and productive."
Challenges for the commission going forward include the addition of the agri-tourism discretionary use designation in the county's land use bylaw, the report states.
ï The Strings and Keys committee report states that the total amount of funds awarded was $4,700.
"The committee feels that, particularly for candidates in college and university programs, the amount awarded should be such that is actually makes a difference in meeting their education expenses," said committee spokesperson Jamie Syer, noting that the account supporting the scholarship program currently stands at $23,300.
ï The subdivision and development appeal board report states that members met twice in the past year with respect to appeals from development permits, one a refusal and one from an approval.
"There have been no issues respecting the operation of the board and no untoward challenges anticipated," chairman Greg Harris said in the report.
The policies and priorities committee, which is made up of county councillors, accepted the reports as information.