Mountain View County (MVC) council has received updated information regarding changes to the City of Red Deer 911 emergency communication centre system for fire permit notification.
The centre is utilized by municipalities across the region, including Mountain View County, for emergency calls.
The update came during council’s recent regularly scheduled meeting in council chambers.
The new fire permit tracking system is called Permit Portal.
“With the new process, the municipality issuing the fire permit will be responsible for entering the permit information into the portal website,” administration said in a briefing note to council.
“Permit portal allows dispatch to provide real-time information to responding fire crews about permits in their respective areas.”
In a letter received by the county from the City of Red Deer, officials said the new system “allows your municipality to enter burn permits you have issued, that will then load into our computer-aided dispatch system and automatically display on our map.
“Permit portal allows us to provide real-time information to responding fire crews about five permits in their area. In addition, you will have access to view all of your municipality’s active burn permits in live time.”
Only municipal employees will have access to the website, which is not for general public use.
The previous fire permit line was discontinued as of Aug. 1.
“Where members of the public were directed to call into our centre previously to report a burn, this will no longer be required. They will need to contact their municipality directly.”
In other council news, councillors approved the replacement of three culverts at a water crossing damaged in recent flooding.
The move also came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The BF 1179 crossing is located just south of Highway 584 on the far east side of the county.
Administration had made a request at the recent meeting that council approve $1,125,000 to replace the bridge at the site.
“During the spring of 2018, the crossing sustained heavy damage,” administration said in a briefing note to council. “Due to the nature of the damage, a substantial amount of work and capital investment will be required to repair the bridge. It is felt that since the bridge is scheduled for replacement in the next seven years that it should be replaced instead of repaired.
“BF 1179 requires a bridge. One this water course, in both directions, every other structure is a bridge. A bridge would be the most maintenance free option, allowing for the most efficient hydraulic opening.
“Operational Services does agree with the consultant on the recommendation for a bridge. However, a bridge would narrow up the road which would make it more difficult for large agricultural equipment to pass.”
Councillors decided that instead of replacing the bridge, the three damaged culverts at the site would be replaced and the crossing will then be monitored for the next three years, said operations director Ron Baker.
Meanwhile, council received information regarding the Carstairs fire department Jaws of Life capital purchase.
“The Jaws of Life replacement discussion was included in the fire chief’s report at the March 28 Carstairs Fire Advisory Committee meeting and received as information. However, the replacement was not included in the recommended 2018 fire budget," administration said in a briefing note to council.
The price of the battery-powered Jaws of Life rescue device was set at $45,000.
Council received the report as information.