CREMONA -- The Village of Cremona council has approved the 2019 municipal tax rates and budget. The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The 2019 residential mill rate is 8.25, the residential vacant rate is 12.25, farmland rate is 8.27, commercial rate is 13.0, commercial vacant rate is 13.0 and the linear rate is 13.0.
A tax bill can be calculated by dividing the assessment by 1,000 and then multiplying the total by the tax rate.
The Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) residential rate is 2.56 and non-residential is 3.76. The ASFF requisition is $104,322.50.
Mountain View Seniors' Housing residential rate is 0.2656, while the non-residential rate is also 0.2656.
Estimated municipal expenditures and transfers set out in the budget for 2019 total $1,391,233, and estimated municipal expenditures and transfers from all sources other than taxation is estimated to be $851,773.29 and the balance of $539,460 is to be raised by general municipal taxation.
The 2019 budget calls for total revenues of $492,875.96, including $204,997 for water, $47,400 for sanitary, $48,000 for garbage, $95,500 for FCSS, $2,300 for cemetery, $4,500 for planning and development, $8,500 for culture and recreation, $2,500 for parks and recreation, and $31,500 for library.
Expenses in the budget total $920,544, including $138,870 for general administration, $19,550 for council, $102,040 for CAO, $54,496 for fire department, $191,710 for public works, $34,510 for roadways, $91,966 for water, $46,932 for garbage, $83,570 for FCSS, $15,500 for planning and development, $40,800 for facilities and $36,250 for library.
The assessment value of all property in the municipality is $56,261,670, including $37,160,370 residential and $4,827,490 commercial.
In other council news, council received reports from various boards, committees and commissions.
The CCES (community support) report stated in part, that, “Sewing is still going strong. We held declutter, organize and downsize workshop in conjunction with MVCALS that was very well attended. The seed starting class presented by the Pereversoffs was also very well attended. We have steady attendance for art journaling every month. Afternoon at the movies is starting to slow down.”
The Cremona/Water Valley & District Chamber of Commerce report stated, in part, that there are currently 18 paid members.