DIDSBURY - The Town of Didsbury held a roundtable meeting with 15 local developers and builders joining council and administration on April 26 at the town office.
The idea of the meeting came from council as a way of engaging with developers.
Mayor Rhonda Hunter said the meeting went extremely well.
"Council did accomplish the objectives of the meeting -- to listen about first-hand experiences dealing with the town and get feedback, input, suggestions on creating a positive environment to encourage development and foster growth in Didsbury," said Hunter.
"There was good feedback about our front-line staff and our development officers. It is always great to hear that people walking in or calling/emailing the town office are being well looked after."
Some of the suggestions/input were concerning: how to improve and/or address vacant lot property tax structuring and taxation when subdivisions are created; off-site levy fees as well as timing of payment of off-site levies; reducing roadblocks with permit approvals and policies; getting away from Calgary infrastructure standards; and improving communication about projects in Didsbury.
"There was much discussion about the creation of a standing community committee with the focus on economic development, community pride and spirit," said Hunter. "A key message from input among participants was to 'use the expertise in our community.'
"There are many champions in our community who want to help, put trust in the people who have so much invested in Didsbury."
Hunter said the next step would be for council and staff to talk about the input received.
"We will then provide administration with a definite direction on how council would like to proceed with this important feedback from key stakeholders of Didsbury's building community," she said.
"This is a win for all Didsburians when so many are so interested and keen about contributing and working together towards the future growth and success of our town."