Jane Drummond is the Green Party of Alberta candidate for the Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre riding.
Drummond, who resides in Clearwater County, is a retired professor with academic administrative experience.
She also had a lengthy career in nursing focused on child and family health, community development and provision of service to vulnerable populations.
Although she has never held office, Drummond has led million-dollar projects with a wide range of disciplinary, professional, business, community and government roles, she said.
"The requirements for my success include openness to all perspectives, attention to detail, capitalizing on and managing differences, collaboration and tolerance for ambiguity," said Drummond.
Drummond chose to run for the Green Party of Alberta because she felt no other party deserved her vote.
"An enlightened policy would arise from Green Party principles of ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, non-violence, sustainability and respect for diversity," she said.
Drummond's key platform goals are embracing change and providing a healthy environment for people, she said.
"First, it is essential that we abandon the pretense of certainty and embrace change," she said. "We need collaboration and consensus building; networks of policies to address challenges; and reform of the electoral and governance process to make this possible.
"Second, provision on the determinants of human health is the prime government role. I would focus on policy that supports ecological integrity; adequate housing and food security; meaningful work and leisure; public education and health care; balanced and diverse economy; affordable transportation infrastructure; and social justice."
Drummond says she believes it is important for Alberta to have a diverse economy.
"Regarding the petrochemical economy, the Green Party of Alberta knows that transition to renewables is necessary and a diverse economy must be supported," she said. "The Green Party of Alberta would not pit urban interests against those of rural citizens. They know that a diversified economy must provide rural jobs."