Candidates in the next municipal election will be paying a higher nominee cash deposit than in past campaigns following a decision by Mountain View County councillors.
During last week's regularly scheduled county council meeting, councillors passed third reading of an updated bylaw regarding nominee cash deposit.
Under the updated bylaw No. 7/13, the deposit level is now $200, up from $100.
“I think it is to modernize that number,” said Reeve Bruce Beattie. “It was 1983 when it was last looked at.
“I think we want a modern number but we don't want to discourage people from running. I think if they can't come up with $200, maybe they can call a friend.”
Since 1983 candidates have been required to put down a $100 deposit.
The Local Authorities Election Act currently allows for deposit fees of up to $1,000 where the population exceeds 10,000. Mountain View County's current population is over 12,000, excluding the five town and village municipalities.
Nominees can get their deposits back if they garner “a number of votes at least equal to half of the total number of votes cast for the candidate elected to the office with the least number of votes,” said director of legislative services.
Candidates who are elected also get their deposits back.
The deposits of those who are not elected and who do not garner sufficient votes are put into the municipality's general revenues.