About 150 people of all ages attended the third annual Pioneer Family Trail Ride and Live Auction at the Alberta Pioneer Camp southwest of Sundre on April 17.
Almost $10,000 was raised during the event, which saw riders of all ages take part in short and long trail rides. There was also wagon rides, first-time horse rides for kids, rockwall climbing, a dinner and other activities.
Money raised goes toward the Alberta Pioneer Rocky and Sundre Horse Program.
“We are a summer camp for children,” said Ruth Lewis, executive director at the camp. “We have about 30 horses and this (fundraiser) is to help buy supplies for the horses, tack, saddles and things like that. We run camps all summer long and this helps us get supplies for the program.”
Alberta Pioneer Camp is one of five such facilities run by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada.
Organizers hope to hold a fourth annual Family Trail Ride and Live Auction in 2017, she said.
“We are very happy with it,” she said.
We run camps all summer long and this helps us get supplies for the program."Ruth Lewisexecutive director