Mountain View County council has authorized administration to extend the 2012 regional mutual aid agreement with neighbouring municipalities until September 2018.
The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
At a meeting of area municipal chief administrative officers last month, it was recommended that the agreement should be extended while work on new regional initiatives takes place, council heard.
"The purpose of the agreement is to provide mutual assistance to other member municipalities for control of fire, fire prevention, emergency medical services, hazardous materials control, and/or other emergency support in the event of a major fire or disaster," administration said in a briefing note to council.
Council also passed a motion allowing the county to provide a letter of support to the Town of Carstairs for the application of funding from the Alberta Community Partnership Program for developing a new mutual aid agreement for fire services and regional fire services partnerships.
"The funding from the program will be utilized to engage a facilitator for the development of a mutual aid agreement for fire services and regional fire services partnership agreement," administration said.
There are two main objectives of the partnership:
ï to identify and promote common local and regional fire services policies and standards.
ï to identify opportunities to coordinate the acquisition of supplies, equipment and services.
Meanwhile, council passed a motion in support of a grant application being made by the Town of Carstairs.
The move also came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
"A request was received from the Town of Carstairs for county support with ëWater For Life' grant application," administration said in a briefing note to council, "which would assist in funding the town's proposed reservoir and pump-station project which would address population growth over the next 25 years.
"And it would allow for the provision of supplying water for development within the Wessex area structure plan (ASP). This could be a benefit to the county as a possible future potable water source in the Wessex ASP area."
In a letter to council, Carstairs Mayor Lance Colby said, "This project would be beneficial to both communities."
Meanwhile, council briefly reviewed the South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission membership and supply of services agreements.
The update also came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
"The commission is requesting that each of its member municipalities review the Membership and Supply of Services Agreements," administration said in a briefing note to council.
"If council has any changes they would like to see incorporated they are to be sent to the commission."
In 2007 the county passed Bylaw No. 16/07 that permitted the county to take the necessary actions to establish a regional wastewater system and to enter into any agreements with the other member municipalities for the establishment of a commission.
Subsequently, in 2008, the province approved Alberta Regulation 52/2008 establishing the commission.
"Following formation of the commission, the membership agreement and the supply of services agreement should have been entered into.
"The completion of these agreements have apparently been included in the commission's business plan since 2010."
Council did not pass a motion recommending any changes to the agreement.