Mountain View County will be sending representatives to an upcoming provincial symposium regarding flood mitigation and prevention, says Deputy Reeve Patricia McKean.
The Alberta Watershed Management Symposium will be held in Calgary on April 29. It is a followup to a similar symposium held in October.
The upcoming symposium, with the title of “Flood and Drought Mitigation”, will be a good chance for MVC councillors and staff to meet and discuss plans with other municipalities and provincial officials, said McKean. “I'm sure that we will be attending,” said McKean, who along with Reeve Bruce Beattie attended the October symposium.
“Talking to more municipalities that are working on flood prevention projects will make sure that we have the best information possible.”
The April 29 symposium will see the province share the latest update on snowpack data and river forecasting, as well as assessments of mitigation options for Alberta's most flood-prone river basins, Minister of Municipal Affairs Ken Hughes said in a press release last week.
Experts will also speak to the critical role natural headwaters play in flood and drought mitigation, he said.
“Following up on October's Alberta Flood Mitigation Symposium, we're excited to share the many ways we are turning the ideas generated at the fall symposium into action to make our communities more flood and drought resilient,” said Hughes.
Robin Campbell, minister of environment and sustainable resource development, added: “This event will bring together insights into best practices for overall watershed management with recommendations for mitigation projects at the regional and local levels, giving Albertans a clear picture of how we will improve our province's flood and drought resiliency.”