Gordon Francey, a Canadian military veteran, is running as an Independent candidate for the Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House - Sundre riding.
Although running as an Independent, Francey is affiliated with the Alberta Freedom Alliance, a grassroots group advocating for Alberta independence.
Francey is a husband and father living in the Edmonton area. He served 14 years in the military at both land and sea. He has also been a member of the Lion's Club for over 15 years and volunteered for Habitat for Humanity.
"What drives this desire in me to see Alberta free and independent of the ties to Canada?" said Francey. "I do this for both my children and yours. All children deserve a future without fear and prejudice. They are our future and it is our duty to protect that future for them."
Francey said he was interested in politics at a young age when his father was involved with the first western separatist group.
"When Pierre Trudeau started treating the West as less equal than the rest of Canada, I realized how strongly I felt about Western Canada and its future," he said. "When Danielle Smith crossed the floor, I realized how self serving our current politicians truly are."
Francey believes all politicians need to be held accountable.
"For that to happen something has to change," he said. "Change can only happen when you look in a new direction. Separation is that new direction. Ending Albertans' economic slavery to Ottawa is a new direction.
"Whoever sits in Ottawa will never initiate that change; why would they? Alberta has been paying their way and seeing no return for decades. The change needs to start here with Albertans."