Students, teachers and staff at Reed Ranch School east of Olds planted trees and flowers and learned about environmental awareness during the 17th annual Green Day Emerald II Celebration on June 2.
Teacher and event co-organizer Terry Seidel said students from kindergarten to Grade 6 all got involved in activities.
“Everybody planted a tree,” said Seidel. “It was a great day and the kids had a lot of fun. Everything comes together with regards to the environment.”
There were two guest speakers at this year's celebration: beekeeper Ray Forrester and environmental educator Judy Marsh with the Outdoors In program.
“Judy talked to the kids about trees and all different activities with the trees,” he said. “They did a tour of the school grounds, looking at all the trees that we have on our school property. She was a good fit for our green celebration.
“Ray talked to the kids about the importance of bees and different characteristics of bees.”
There were three activities for students during the day.
“One was putting their green handprints on the wall,” he said. “The second one was planting tree seedlings to replace our windbreak.
“The third activity was planting a flower garden in between the steps on the portable and planting 10 aspens for shade for people who come to play baseball on our diamond here.”
Money generated through recycling of juice boxes and cans at the school went to support the celebration day. The aspens were donated by Amber Resources.
A maple tree was also planted by Grade 6 grads.
“Every Grade 6 class that leaves the school chooses a tree to plant on the school grounds. We have all these great Grade 6 grad trees now planted on our school grounds,” he said.
Reed Ranch has been awarded the Emerald II award for having completed 1,500 environmental projects. The Emerald program involves schools across Canada.