Mountain View County council has approved funding allocations for a number of local organizations under the municipality’s health-care support grant program.
The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting. In all, $66,550 was approved.
Groups seeking funding for 2018 included Hope 4 MVC Kids Society, Olds and District Hospice Society, Reed Ranch School Parent Council, Sundre Health Professional Attraction and Retention committee, Village of Cremona, and the Westcott Community Club.
“Mountain View County council supports innovative solutions that support health-care service delivery within the MVC geographical region,” administration said in a briefing note to council.
“If a proposed project is beneficial to an urban municipality, that municipality should contribute an equal per capita amount. This funding commitment should be obtained by the applicant prior to council approval.”
A non-profit group, the Hope 4 MVC Kids Society requested and received a total of $9,850.
The society helps families with children in medical need in a number of ways, including if the child requires adaptive equipment for home or school not covered by other sources.
“I think it is really important for people in the county and I totally support this,” said Coun. Peggy Johnson.
The Olds and District Hospice Society requested and received a total of $15,000.
The society’s focus includes supporting “quality, compassionate care in a home-like setting for those facing death, by offering physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and educational support to individuals, their families and community at the end of life and during bereavement."
“I certainly support what the hospice does,” said Reeve Bruce Beattie.
The Reed Ranch School Parent Council requested and received $1,000.
“They would like to purchase a defibrillator for the school as there seems to be an ever-increasing risk of children having medical emergencies during sporting events. The school is also visited by seniors during functions such as the annual Christmas concert,” administration said.
The Sundre Health Professionals Attraction and Retention Committee requested and received $15,000.
“They are requesting funds for health improvement activities in their community, including the retention and recruitment of health professionals,” said administration.
Deputy Reeve Angela Aalbers said she would like to see the committee make a presentation on its activities at an upcoming policies and priorities committee meeting.
The Village of Cremona requested and received $29,700.
The funds will help to support the physician who visits the Cremona clinic on a regular schedule.
An average of about 30 patients are seen by the doctor during his one-day weekly visit to the clinic, located in the village, said Coun. Greg Harris.
Approval of the funding is good news for residents, he said.
The Westcott Community Club requested and received $1,000.
The club has identified a need to have a defibrillator available in the hall in case of emergency, council heard.
Councillors passed a motion calling on the Sundre retention committee to appear before a future policies and priorities committee.
Coun. Al Kemmere did not attend the May 23 council meeting.