CREMONA – About 20 residents attended a public hearing in Cremona on Oct. 16 regarding a proposal to remove the municipal reserve designation for two parcels in the village.
The parcels are 1.06-hectare and 1.02-hectare portions of Lot 9MR, Plan 0010427. Both properties are located south of Railway Avenue, one immediately east of Highway 27 (the 1.06 portion) and one on the east side of the village.
The parcels are located near the village’s popular nature walking trail, with a portion of the trail located inside the 1.06-hectare parcel.
The 90-minute Oct. 16 public hearing on Bylaw 485-18 was held to solicit comments on the proposed re-designation. The hearing was in regards to the proposed removal of the designation and not part of a subdivision application.
During the hearing, Coun. Robert Reid said the proposed removal of the municipal reserve designation is being considered to make highway commercial property available for possible future sale.
“I want to make sure that everybody understands that what we are doing here tonight is trying to remove the municipal reserve on the areas that are the most viable for highway commercial,” said Reed. “I want everybody to understand that we want to preserve the nature trail.”
Any funds realized through the future sale of the properties would have to go back into parks and recreation or firehalls, and not into general revenue, he said.
Coun. Sonia Temple said removal of the municipal reserve designation would make potential highway commercial land available for sale.
“There is the ability for us to make something available for somebody who might want to come to this community at a reasonable price that they might be able to afford in order to increase traffic into our community and potentially increase usage of our nature trail,” said Temple.
During the hearing, resident and former councillor Donna Kelly presented council with a letter signed by 22 residents.
The letter states, in part, that, “In regard to the public hearing for the removal of 1.06 Ha from Plan 0010427 on the west end of Railway Avenue, some residents are concerned this will impact the nature trail. We would appreciate that council would take this into consideration and exclude a portion at the west end so many can still enjoy to walk around the pond.”
Council also received a letter from a local family stating, in part, that, “The removal of the municipal reserve designation on the portion indicated on the map in the public hearing notice will drastically change the Village of Cremona. The reserve was assigned to those lands to protect them from future development and provide a natural area for all residents and visitors to enjoy.”
A number of those attending the Oct. 16 hearing expressed concerns about the possible impact of the removal of the designation on the nature path.
The complete bylaw is available for viewing on the village’s website.
A vote on the bylaw could come at an upcoming council meeting.