OLDS - A heat warning went into effect Tuesday in the Airdrie - Cochrane - Olds – Sundre area and the Red Deer - Ponoka - Innisfail – Stettler area along with much of the province.
A prolonged heat event continues, Environment Canada said in its July 16 alert for the area.
For the next eight to 10 days, daytime highs will be between 28 and 36 degrees Celsius (C) and overnight lows will range from 12 to 20 C.
Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
“Residents of and visitors to the warned regions are advised to take the following precautions to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours,” the alert said.
• Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day.
• Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible.
• Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.
• Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle. Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle, for any length of time.
• Monitor for symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion, such as high body temperature, lack of sweat, confusion, fainting, and unconsciousness.
This heat warning is likely to be expanded going forward, the federal agency warned.