A major Highway 22 upgrade project north of Cremona is underway and expected to be completed this fall.
The project will include paving, grading and the construction of a climbing lane northbound out of Cremona.
There will be flag persons on site to direct traffic.
Construction will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
"It's expected to be completed by the fall," said Alberta Transportation spokesperson Anna Neale.
Speeds will be reduced to 80 kilometres per hour throughout the project.
"The speed will be reduced to 50 kilometres per hour where there is active paving and where there is work on the climbing lane and intersection improvements," she said.
"There will be one-lane alternating traffic. Paving occurs in both directions, so when one lane is being paved, that lane will be closed.
"Drivers are advised to watch for flag persons and workers on site, to be aware of brief delays, less than 30 minutes, and to obey all posted signs."
The 3.7-metre vehicle width limit will be in effect.