Mountain View County (MVC) council has passed a motion in support of Coun. Al Kemmere’s possible bid for a third straight term as the president of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) Association.
The move came during the June 13 council meeting.
Comprised of 69 rural municipalities, including MVC, the RMA advocates for rural interests with the provincial government and other stakeholders.
Kemmere, a longtime county councillor, is in the second year of his second term as RMA president.
Although the election of the RMA president for the next two-year term won’t take place until November, Kemmere said he would accept the nomination for a third term.
Although not a legislative requirement, Kemmere suggested that council consider a motion supporting him in a bid for a third term.
“I wanted to make sure through this process that council was aware and that I have their support,” said Kemmere. “There’s nothing better than having the council support me. Council also holds me accountable.
“I want to make sure my council knew I was looking at that opportunity again. It’s my intent, now that I have council’s support, to go for a third term. I am interested in doing a third term.”
Kemmere said he is confident he can meet all of his council commitments while at the same time serving as RMA president.
Having a county councillor as RMA president has several benefits, he said.
“I think I’m exposed to so many different items and I’m able to bring back relevant information,” he said. “I’m able to provide information about what I learn from the various conversations with various groups. We are able to be on the front end of a lot of stuff. I’m able to update council on what I’ve learned.”
Coun. Greg Harris said having Kemmere as the head of RMA is a benefit to council and the county.
“I’ve seen a great value and I’ve learned a lot from Councillor Kemmere because of his association (with the RMA),” said Harris. “I’m more than willing, if there are conflicts, to take on some of his committee work and stuff like that. I think it is of value to this county and this council to have essentially our voice at that level.”
Deputy Reeve Angela Aalbers called on Kemmere to ensure that he makes county business his top priority.
“I would request that on the most important things that this council still has to come first,” said Aalbers.
Kemmere replied, “I welcome those comments.”
Coun. Peggy Johnson said she “totally supported” the motion supporting Kemmere’s third term bid, which passed unanimously.
In related news, Kemmere was recently elected as the chairman of the committee that represents all of the presidents of municipal associations across the country through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.