CARSTAIRS - At the regular meeting on Jan. 23, council carried first reading on a bylaw (1045) that would re-designate a parcel of land in the south central part of town.
The site, which is approximately 0.809 hectares, is currently zoned low density residential - single detached district (R1).
The application would change the zoning to medium density residential - attached dwelling district (R3) to permit higher residential density on the property.
"That'll move it forward through the process," said CAO Carl McDonnell. "Over the next few weeks we'll get it ready for second and third reading."
McDonnell said the landowner is planning to develop more lots on the area.
The application was circulated to agencies and adjacent landowners on June 1, 2016.
The town has received responses from nine agencies of which seven had no objections or comments. Alberta Transportation (AT) responded indicating that it does not support the re-designation as proper access to the site is not provided.
"Changes to site access were coordinated between the town, the applicant and AT, and proper access has now been provided and confirmed with AT," said McDonnell.
ATCO Gas also responded, indicating that it has an existing gas and main and service line at the property, which would need to be abandoned prior to the demolition of the existing building.
In other council news, council approved a request for decision regarding the arena advertising rates.
"We didn't have in our rates and fees bylaw the rates and fees for the signs on the boards in the arena," he said. "The staff there has come up with some other areas there that could be advertised on such as the ice surface and the lobby."
The background information states that board ads have been sold out for a number of years but with the addition of new options, the town will no longer need to turn away any incoming business.
The cost for advertising on the board rink will increase from $200 to $250. Advertising on the ice-surfacing machine will cost $550 (top/side) and $400 (top/front). Other costs are: floor graphics - $550; lobby/in-arena banner/board - $300; and on-ice graphics (frozen in ice) - $1,000.
Coun. Sandi Roberts gave an update on some upcoming events at the Carstairs Curling Rink.
Coun. Al Gil gave an update on the upcoming Carstairs Winter Carnival, which happens at the end of February. The event is expanding from two days to a week in length, from Feb. 27 to March 4.
Events planned include public skating at the rink, brunch at the community hall, horse and wagon rides, outdoor activities, open houses at various facilities, and much more.
"We're calling it Carstairs Winter Carnival-come out and celebrate Canada's 150," Gil told the Gazette. "We want to not only break the blues but come out and start the celebration for Canada's 150th birthday."
"That'll move it forward through the process."Carl McDonnellCarstairs CAO