DIDSBURY -- Following a public hearing and some discussion, council approved first reading of a motion to rescind the old land use bylaw (2013-03) and to adopt the new land use bylaw (2019-04). The actions took place on April 9 at the regular council meeting at the town office.
During the public hearing, several members of the public spoke. Resident Kevin Bentley said he had concerns that the land use bylaw didn't address issues such as walkability and livability as well as ecological and environmental sustainability.
Matthew Konowalchuk, manager of planning and development services, said that the issues Bentley brought up would fit much better in the municipal development plan.
Resident Joyce McCoy spoke about having tougher bylaws regarding trailers parked on the street.
Information given to council stated that: Over the years, minor contextual amendments have occurred to the current land use bylaw (2013-03). Last year, administration deemed it necessary to review (in its entirety), the current land use bylaw and conduct a rewrite.
The decision was made instead of continuing to make amendments to the outdated land use bylaw (LUB).
Also, the intent to rewrite the outdated LUB was to correct errors and inconsistencies, update to current regulations and clarify the intent of some of the material where it wasn't properly reflected.
Konowalchuk told the Gazette that second and third (final) reading would be at a future council meeting, although no date has been set.
"Council made several motions to request administration to make changes; they will be captured in the council minutes," said Konowalchuk. "Administration is reviewing the minutes."