CARSTAIRS - At the regular meeting on May 23, Carstairs council passed the third and final reading for Bylaw 1049 to redesignate land use in Scarlett Ranch from R2 to R1.
The vote came after a presentation from Urban Systems planner Sarah Nielsen reviewing the application for the redesignation.
The property affected is a 0.34-hectare (0.8-acre) parcel of land that was previously designated Low Density Residential - two dwelling district (R2). The new designation is Low Density Residential District - single detached district (R1).
"Everything went through with no fanfare," said CAO Carl McDonnell. "It went from duplex lots to single family lots."
The 10 parcels that were previously subdivided under an R2 designation will be consolidated into seven larger parcels under the R1 land use district, said McDonnell.
In other council news, council approved an amendment to the Town of Carstairs Construction and Infrastructure Design Standards.
"One of the requests we had from one of the developers was to take a look at the storm leads, where the catch basins are for storm water," said McDonnell.
"Our standard was concrete; one of the developers asked if it could be PVC pipe instead. We reviewed the two and found PVC acceptable. We've changed our standards now so they can have the option now of concrete or PVC."
The other change to the design standards was adding a list of trees approved in residential areas.
Council accepted the resignation of Ed Jensen from the Carstairs Public Library board.
McDonnell said they have asked the library board whether or not they want the town to advertise for another board member or two. He expects that the advertising wouldn't happen until September.