Mountain View County (MVC) council has approved $3,560,000 in funding for the construction of a single-lane bridge over the Little Red Deer River on Rge. Rd. 52 north of Water Valley.
The move came during the regularly scheduled April 12 council meeting.
A temporary single-lane bridge has been at the location for several years after repeated flooding damaged the previous permanent bridge.
Deputy Reeve Patricia McKean's Division 2 includes the bridge area.
"It will be great for the people there to have that proper roadway back," said McKean. "It will be an improvement. I think it is a good option for that area.
"That area has three or four years with a temporary bridge with lots of curves and signage. Going to a single-lane option there is reasonable.
"We wanted to replace it (temporary bridge) with a permanent structure, but we also wanted to look at a single-lane option and see the cost savings. It came back that we are able to save over half a million dollars."
The new bridge cost of $3,650,600 will include $1,782,600 for bridge construction, $1,398,00 for roadwork, and $470,000 for river work and armouring.
Tenders have not yet gone out for the project.
Construction is expected to get underway this summer and be completed by the fall, she said.
The county has applied to the province for funding for the project.
For now the money will come from municipal sustainability initiative funding and from the county's road and bridge reserves.
"The county reviewed the option to construct a berm along the Little Red Deer River directing the water under the current bridge with an engineered overflow to prevent flooding of private properties," administration said in a briefing note to council.
"This was deemed unsuitable because Rge. Rd. 52 will still be in danger of washing out. Direction was given to proceed with the review of constructing a new bridge on Rge. Rd. 52 and raising the grade of the roadway."
A two-lane bridge at the site would have cost an estimated $4,162,100.
"It will be great for the people there to have that proper roadway back. Patricia McKeanMVC deputy reeve