Construction tenders approved
DIDSBURY - After a short presentation from Kevin Denischuk from ISL at Didsbury's regular council meeting on July 24, council voted to approve both the tender for the 23rd Street project and the Butte Pump House upgrade in separate motions.
The winning bidder for the 23rd Street project was IMC Construction Ltd. from Red Deer.
The 23rd Street project will include road construction including improved drainage, storm sewers, sidewalks and curbs, said Greg Skotheim, manager of Public Works and Infrastructure for Didsbury.
"This project also includes extending a 300-millimetre main line for future development west of 23rd Street," Skotheim said. "This is set to start in August and should take a few months."
The winning bidder for the Butte Pump House upgrade was Balzer's Canada Inc. from Rocky View County.
"The Butte Pump House upgrade project involves new piping, valves, VFD pumps and pressure regulation system in our pumphouse located at the water tower," said Skotheim. "A start date has not been established at this point. This project should also take a couple of months."
Doctor loan approved
DIDSBURY - Council passed a motion to provide a doctor loan of $50,000 to Dr. Smith. The doctor loan program is one the town has operated with the Rosebud Health Foundation since 2007, said Maxine Moreau, manager of Financial Services for Didsbury.
The Doctor Loan Bylaw states that the foundation can borrow money from the town so the foundation can lend this borrowed money to physicians who are licensed with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, in order to retain or induce them to relocate to the Town of Didsbury to practise medicine.
Further, the purpose of the revolving loans is to enable the foundation to make loans directly to these physicians, as an inducement to practise medicine in the Town of Didsbury and provide medical services for the residents of the Town of Didsbury.
Captial plan updated
DIDSBURY - The town's 10-year capital plan has been updated to reflect new priorities.
Council approved the amended 10-year capital plan on July 10. As the background information states: council was presented the plan, which is an outline of suggested capital projects for the next 10 years, at the June 12 policy and priorities meeting. This is a living document; therefore, as change happens, priorities will be re-examined.
Top projects for 2018 include the 23rd Street road project from Southridge Coulee to 15th Avenue for a cost of $1,287,202; top lift for new town office -- $250,000; and water distribution pump renewals -- $175,000.
Anticipated upcoming projects for 2019 include: 21st Street road project from 15th Avenue to 20th Avenue (storm and road) -- $1,154,463; Memorial Complex outlying ground -- $551,400; arena roof repair -- $230,000; and dog park -- $100,000.
Anticipated upcoming projects for 2020 include: Southeast reservoir and water main -- $4,400,000; 20th Street road project from 19th to 15th avenues -- $1,800,000; and rebuild Co-op Road (road, storm and water main increase to 250mm) -- 1,010,000.