CARSTAIRS -- Mandalay Estates area structure plan passed third and final reading at the recent Carstairs regular council meeting.
The motion came after council heard from a delegation of Erin Eyre and Sarah Nielsen from Urban Systems, the town planners.
Council also passed final reading on three separate amendments to the land use bylaw for proposed seniors' housing, emergency tri-services and school sites.
Mandalay Estates, which consists of 63 hectares, is located just off Highway 2A on the east side between the golf course and Hugh Sutherland School.
Carstairs mayor Lance Colby said the town received approval from Alberta Transportation and the project is now able to go ahead.
"We're going to move forward with it," said Colby. "They'll be starting to strip and grade there. We've taken out the parcels for the seniors, the school and our emergency services centre. The biggest thing with Mandalay is we had to get all the land properly zoned.
"So we zoned the land because we're taking land from Mandalay for the seniors' lodge, school site and emergency services."
The seniors' housing land use redesignation sees 2.54 hectares of land going from low density residential - single detached (R-1) and medium density residential - attached dwelling (R-3) to high density residential - multi dwelling (R-4).
The emergency tri-services land use redesignation sees 2.064 hectares of land going from medium density residential - attached dwelling (R-3) to public facility and recreation district (PFR).
The school site redesignation sees 4.05 hectares of land going from low density residential - single detached (R-1), low density residential - two dwelling (R-2) and medium density residential - attached dwelling (R-3) to public facility and recreation district (PFR).
A public hearing and second reading for the Mandalay Area Structure Plan and land use amendments were held at the April 23 regular council meeting.
In other council news, council granted fireworks event permits for the Town of Carstairs Canada Day event on July 1 and for Carstairs Beef and Barley Days on July 19.