CREMONA - The new Cremona council looks a lot like the old council with only one new face: Bonnie Scribner.
Scribner essentially replaces Meg Bigelow, who did not seek re-election.
All councillors were acclaimed last month.
Council was sworn in at the regular council meeting on Oct. 17 and went to work right away.
Council heard a delegation from Ashley Newsome representing the skateboard park group. The group is looking at building a new skate park in the village.
"Council will be giving them a letter of support," said CAO Luana Smith.
Smith said that the group wanted council to give them land to build the park on "so they could tell people this is where we're going to build on."
"Council told them to get their society status first," she said. "They do want it on the nature trail. Some council members liked the idea, some didn't."
Smith said some of the concerns were children crossing the highway to use the skate park.
In other council news, council approved an addition to the library as long as there is a new bathroom located in it.
"Right now, we all share the same bathrooms," she said. "When people are in the library they have to come through the main part of our office. So even if we're closed but the library is open the main part of our office has to remain open.
"It's also very close access to the fire hall, which isn't very safe."
Council passed a bylaw regarding code of conduct, which is a new requirement under the modernized Municipal Government Act.
Council also passed the residential community standards bylaw.
"We've amalgamated all those noise bylaws, snow clearing, all that related stuff into one document," she said. "We added some interesting issues we're dealing with now such as urban chickens."
The village has sworn in a bylaw officer, Sheldon Krasniuk, from the Town of Carstairs who will be working in Cremona as needed.