CREMONA - The Village of Cremona has a new interim CAO. Shannon Allison was appointed to the position by a motion of council at the Dec. 18 regularly scheuduled council meeting meeting.
Allison, who is the director of corporate and legislative services for the Town of Carstairs, with be working for both municipalities for now, said Cremona mayor Tim Hagen.
The previous CAO, Luana Smith, is no longer employed by the village.
Hagen said Allison was brought in until they are able to hire a full-time CAO for the village.
"We're hoping three months, but it might be longer," said Hagen. "We had to get her to come in and help us do year-end and help with this year's budget. We have an agreement with Carstairs to help each other out when we need it. We needed some help so they agreed."
Hagen told the Gazette they haven't started the hiring process yet for a new CAO but he hopes they'll get to that by the end of January.