Nathan Cooper, the Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills United Conservative Party (UCP) MLA, says he is looking forward to getting down to work in his new Community and Social Services, Democracy and Accountability critic portfolio.
He also said he does not expect the new position to negatively impact his work in the constituency.
UCP leader Jason Kenney named Cooper to the position Oct. 31. Cooper had serviced as interim party leader during the leadership campaign.
Although Cooper was not named to one of the major critic portfolios such as finance, health or education, he says he expects his portfolio to keep him busy.
"I'm pleased with the role that Jason (Kenney) has asked me to take," he said. "I have the opportunity of doing multiple things in the role and also continue to advance Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills.
"On the accountability file there will be a number of issues where trust and accountability have been breeched and I will take the lead on those.
"On the accountability side there are a number of issues, including a file we are currently working on where we believe the government has deleted over 800,000 email and they did so by incentivizing government departments with ëif you delete 25 per cent of your inbox you get your name entered into a draw to get an ITunes gift card,' which is widely against the rules."
Cooper said he is not concerned that former Wildrose leader and UCP leadership candidate Brian Jean was not given a critic role in Kenney's UCP caucus.
"Brian asked Jason if he could just focus on his constituents over a period of time," he said. "I have seen Brian in the House every day and he is doing quite well.
"It's been very, very hectic for him so for him to take a step back and focus on his constituents and focus on his family, I think everyone can appreciate that as well. "
Jason Nixon, the UCP MLA for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre, has been named leader of the official Opposition and Opposition house leader, pending Jason Kenney winning a seat in the legislature.