Mountain View Seniors' Housing (MVSH) officials are not planning to make masking mandatory in its facilities, said chief administrative officer Stacey Stilling.
“At this time, MVSH has no plans to implement masking in our facilities outside of what may be required during an outbreak situation,” Stilling told the Albertan.
“In the event of a declared outbreak, MVSH operations will work with AHS public health regarding any restrictions to mitigate spread of infection.”
MVSH owns and operates seniors' lodges in Olds, Sundre, Carstairs and Didsbury, as well as having other residential facilities in the district.
Stilling’s comments come after Alberta Health Services announced Oct. 11 that it had adopted an enhanced masking directive to help prevent transmission of COVID-19 within acute care care facilities.
Under the directive, zone leadership may require enhanced masking for all AHS staff, physicians, midwives, students, volunteers, contracted service providers as well as workers in acute care facilities such as hospitals.
Masking remains optional in continuing care (such as seniors lodges) and additions and mental health settings that are not within acute care sites.
Masking also remains optional for AHS workers when they are in an area where there is no contact with patients, such as staff break rooms, meeting rooms, corporate settings, and health records departments.