Residential neighbourhood names in Didsbury include Westhills, Valarosa, Deer Coulee, Southridge, Shantz Village, Popular Ridge, Deer Ridge, Fox Hollow, Copper View, Fieldstone, College Green, The Chicken Coops.
Each name conjures a mental image of an existing, or proposed neighbourhood. Which one is not like the other ones?
Is it respectful, or for that matter even necessary, to refer to a collection of houses or neighbourhood using the term of a barnyard outbuilding? Just because the houses in the southwest corner of the Southridge community have been called “The Chicken Coops” for a long time does not mean we need to continue to refer to them as such.
Those who live in this neighbourhood are our friends and neighbours. They work in our community, support local businesses and participate in local sport and cultural activities. Children who live here attend schools in our community and interact with children in other neighbourhoods. There is no need to be judgmental of them based on where they live.
They deserve better.
Here’s a novel idea. Why not allow those who live in this corner of Didsbury – no matter their age – to suggest and select a new name for their neighbourhood?
Fundamental traits of leadership are demonstrating character and humility matter. In acting in an inclusive leaderful way, it is a small step in the process of re-imaging Didsbury as a resilient/sustainable/strong community, and a huge step in building a sense of belonging for residents of this neighbourhood
Kevin Bentley,