DIDSBURY – The town has announced the location for the new town office.
The town office, along with Didsbury Neighbourhood Place, will be moving into the previous Venue Church property at 1710 14th Street. The relocation will allow the library to expand into the current town office next door.
In a press release the town stated that the conditional purchase of the building and surrounding property is expected to be completed prior to the end of 2016 in order to move forward with renovations to the property in early 2017.
“The town was able to purchase the property for $800,000 and feels that approximately $300,000 of renovations will allow for this building to serve residents of Didsbury well into the future,” the release stated. “Further, the site allows for future expansion as population and growth pressures dictate.”
Benefits of the new property include its 10,500- square-foot layout, suitable existing office space and open concept opportunities, green spaces and front parking lot, and institutional zoning which is suitable for the intended use, and currently not taxable.
At the regular council meeting on Nov. 22, council agreed to the terms of reference for forming the library expansion committee. Council opted for option 1, which includes five members: one councillor each from the Town of Didsbury and Mountain View County, as well as one board member from the library, and two members at large.
“This committee will be responsible for the oversight and management of the project and has available two member-at-large positions to work in collaboration with the Didsbury Municipal Library, Town of Didsbury and Mountain View County appointments.”
Anyone interested in sitting on the library expansion committee can contact Christofer Atchison at [email protected] by Nov. 30.