The second open house for the updated Eagle Valley area structure plan (ASP) will be held on Jan. 8.
Steering committee member and county councillor Greg Harris says resident input will be vital to the success of the planning process.
“I think it is important that members of the public at large have their say,” said Harris. “That’s how the whole public participating thing is designed. The plan is guided by the residents. That’s why the area structure plans exist, so residents can get their specific input into their area.”
The plan is used to guide future development in the Eagle Hill area northeast of Sundre.
The Jan. 8 open house date was set at the committee’s Sept. 13 meeting. The steering committee is made up of councillors and members of the public at large.
Starting on June 22, 2016 with the adoption by council of terms of reference, the ASP process has so far included 16 steering committee meetings.
One open house was held on Feb. 27, 2017, which included a workshop and survey.
First put in place in 1997, the Eagle Valley ASP is being reviewed and updated by Mountain View County to bring it into line with the current municipal development plan and land use regulations.
The plan is used by the county as a guide when it comes to land use and other development.
The current plan area is bordered on the south by Twp. Rd. 334, on the north at the Red Deer County boundary, on the east by Rge. Rd. 43 and in the west by Rge. Rd 52 on the south and Rge. Rd. 42 on the north.
In June council unanimously passed a motion put forward by Coun. Al Kemmere calling for the second open house to be held as soon as possible and that a letter be sent by the reeve to the committee explaining council’s position.
The exact time and location of the Jan. 8 open house will be announced.
“I encourage everyone on the plan area to come and make their feelings heard and if they can’t attend they can always submit written comments,” said Coun. Harris.
“The plan will be available on our website in ample time for people to study it and formulate a response if they can’t be there in person.”
The terms of reference for the steering committee and other related documents are already available on the county website.
Once prepared the updated ASP could come before council for a vote on adoption.