DIDSBURY - The Didsbury Opera House has been restored -- at least in miniature form.
Resident Kevin Bentley has built a replica of the opera house, which operated in town in the early 1900s. The replica will serve as a book exchange, where residents can pick up or drop off donated books.
"It's a free library, which is basically a book exchange," said Bentley. "I've done one up to replicate the old Didsbury Opera House, which was located at present-day Checkers Auto. It was built in 1906. It was the only performing arts/dance hall between Calgary and Edmonton back in the early 1900s."
Bentley, who is also involved with the pop up parks in town, also explained that the building was the first fire hall in Didsbury.
"The horse-drawn water wagon was brought into the lobby of the building during the winter," he said. "After it had its life as a dance hall/opera house it became a service station called Adshead Garage. The building actually survived until 1988 when it was demolished."
The opera house book exchange is located on the corner of 15th Street and 18th Avenue and people are welcome to drop off a book or pick one up.
"Not only does the little free library promote literacy, it's a community builder," he said. "People are always stopping by to take a book, leave a book, or just rest for awhile. It's something all ages can enjoy."