CREMONA - A number of street paving projects are about to get underway in the village.
Council awarded the 2017 street program contract to A & A Paving in the amount of $526,139.25. There were five bidders in total.
The four projects planned for 2017 are: open 1st Avenue and paving, paving Edey Close, paving on 1st Avenue East and paving on Centre Street.
Mayor Tim Hagen said council is looking forward to getting the paving projects completed.
"It's been awhile," said Hagen. "We've been kind of stuck the last 20 years just doing what we could. Now we're trying to move ahead."
Council has also approved a five-year capital plan. The 2017-2022 plan is available on the village's website:
Some of the top projects coming up are: finishing the curb and gutter for 1st Avenue from 1st Street East at $400,000 in 2018; finishing Centre Street for $250,000 in 2018; and 2A Avenue paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk replacement in 2019.
Framework approved
Council approved the Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement between the Village of Cremona and Mountain View County, which will come into effect on Jan. 1.
There are no specific costs or funding associated with the agreement other than what the sub-agreements will contain in cost-sharing splits.
"Cremona is different as we have an 85 to 15 per cent split for funding with the 85 being the county," stated CAO Luana Smith in the background information given to council. "As Cremona does not own the recreation facilities or lands, funding is through a grant program through the county. A new funding proposal will be coming forward at a later date."
Hagen told the Gazette that some of the county councillors and Reeve Bruce Beattie came out to Cremona for a tour earlier in the year.
"They took a look at all the services we provide to both the residents of the county as well as Cremona," he said. "I think they got a better understanding of where we are and we have a better understanding of where they are."
Code of conduct drafted
Administration put forward a draft version of a code of conduct for council. Council is required to pass a code of conduct bylaw prior to the upcoming election.
"I am asking council to review it and see if they would like to make changes, additions, etc. Once the regulations are out and they include the pertinent information I will bring back the bylaw for passing," said CAO Luana Smith in discussion notes given to council members.