The number of development permit applications made in Mountain View County in 2018 was down slightly from 2017 totals, according to a report presented to council on March 6.
The report from the planning and development department outlined totals for applications, reviews and appeals.
There were a total of 351 development permit applications received in 2018, compared with 365 in 2017, 350 in 2016 and 455 in 2015.
In 2018, there were 93 compliance certificate applications received, 115 discretionary development permits, 82 permitted development permits, five re-designations and six subdivision.
There were 290 applications reviewed by the approving authority in 2018, compared with 320 in 2017.
There were 203 building permit applications in 2018, compared with 294 in 2017. As well, there were 304 electrical permit applications (277 in 2017), 224 gas permit (251 in 2017), 103 plumbing applications (139 in 2017), and 66 sewage permit applications (80 in 2017).
In all, 900 applications were received in 2018, compared with 1,041 in 2017, 1,408 in 2016, and 1,544 in 2015.
There were 47 bylaw complaints received last year, including 32 related to land use. That compares with 50 in 2017 and 53 in 2016.
Council passed a motion March 6 accepting the report as information. Reeve Bruce Beattie did not attend the meeting.