An agricultural plastics recycling program launched on Monday is welcome news, says Al Kemmere, who is a Mountain View County councillor, the president of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta Association, and the chairman of the Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group.
“The Alberta government's commitment to the pilot program is a welcome announcement,” said Kemmere. “The APRG will explore an on-the-ground assessment of ag plastics on the provincial landscape to support the environmentally sound end use of these materials.”
The Alberta Beef Producers will use a $75,000 grant to coordinate the recycling program on behalf of the Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group, which is made up of 20 stakeholder organizations, said officials.
The pilot project will focus on recycling grain bags and twine, researching markets for other agricultural plastics not included in the pilot program, and conducting a waste characterization study to determine agricultural plastic volumes.