CREMONA -Council reviewed the Five-year Capital Plan for the Village of Cremona and gave staff direction as to what projects should be a priority for 2018.
"I wanted more direction on the priorities council wanted for 2018 because I need to apply for grants," said CAO Luana Smith. "We got that focused on the top ones they want for 2018 which is: finishing off the fire hall renovations, automated bulk water station, stormwater replacement on Highway 580 and a drainage ditch on First Street West."
The breakdown is as follows: fire hall renovations -- $8,320; automated bulk water station -- $80,000 from Mountain View County and $20,000 from provincial grant money; stormwater replacement on Highway 580 -- $20,000; and drainage ditch on First Street West -- $50,000.
Public hearing for road closure
Council made a motion to have a public hearing regarding a road closure.
"We're having a public meeting to close a road that no one really even knows is there in the middle of a parking lot," said Smith.
The public hearing is on Aug. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at council chambers at 106 First Avenue East.
"We've had first reading, then we'll have the public hearing," she said. "It then goes to the minister (of transportation) to sign off. Once he signs off we can have second and third reading."
Visit from Municipal Affairs
Village council has officially named the municipal office building in Cremona The Village of Cremona Municipal Office.
"We had a visit from Municipal Affairs as part of the municipal accountability program," said Smith. "Some of the followup that came up was that I wasn't able to provide a resolution naming the municipal office so council did that."
Sewer rate stays same
Council reviewed the sewer consumption rate after a local resident asked the village to look at changing the residential sewer consumption rate for summer months.
"Upon investigation our sewer rates were quite reasonable, in fact, a little lower than most," said Smith. "So council is not changing the rate."
Skatepark update
Council approved a location for the skateboard park. The letter of intent must include design, locations and funding related to the project.
"I'm in the process of applying for the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure grant for the skateboard park," said Smith. "Council agreed that if the skatepark gets the grant they can have the location, which is just adjacent to the village office and library."
So far the skatepark group, the Cremona Skatepark Committee, has raised over $6,000.
Smith said the village's portion for the project could be the provision of the land.
Other council news
- Council rescinded several old policies relating to when the town had a peace officer that are no longer relevant.
- Council amended the subdivision application fee for the bylaw for the establishment of fees for services. "While ours matched everyone's in the region, council lowered them to be more attractive to promote development," said Smith.
- Council reviewed the policing priorities for 2018-19. The three priorities for the Didsbury RCMP detachment are: community visibility (in school); traffic safety (patrols at noon hours and after school hours); and crime reduction and education for the community.