A public hearing was held May 22 in council chambers to consider the proposed new intermunicipal development plan (IDP) between Mountain View County (MVC) and the MD of Bighorn.
The plan is required under the updated provincial Municipal Government Act because the municipalities share common boundaries. Bighorn is located southwest of MVC.
The plan sets the policy framework for planning matters that include future land use, transportation and items of mutual interest as it applies to land in proximity of the shared boundary and defined in the IDP area.
The IDP area is defined as half a mile on each side of the shared boundary.
Mountain View County council gave first reading to the plan bylaw last month.
General policies of the plans include that “there is no identified need for annexation of land by either municipality and the shared boundary shall remain the boundary to define the jurisdiction between the two municipalities” and “changes in land use through the process of re-designation, subdivision and development within the IDP area of each municipality shall be subject to the statutory plan policy of the municipal development plan, area structure plans, concept plans and the land use bylaw of the municipality having jurisdiction.”
Regarding non-agricultural proposals of regional significance, the plan states that “if required by a statutory plan or land use bylaw of the initiating municipality, non-agricultural applications for re-designation or development permits that are of regional significance and has or may have a detrimental effect on the responding municipality’s infrastructure and land uses through offsite impacts that are located outside of the IDP area, shall be circulated to the responding municipality’s administration for comment.
Goals of the plan include the following: maintain local autonomy with each municipality responsible for decision-making within its municipal jurisdiction; ensure long-term compatibility of future land use within both municipalities; and recognize that agriculture continues to be the primary use of land in the IDP area and support the preservation of agricultural land except where statutory plans support non-agricultural use.
It also recognizes that land owned and developed by the Crown is not subject to the municipal planning and development requirements, and that the plan establishes administration, amendment and dispute resolution procedures.
The opportunities and constraints of the IDP area have been examined and include existing historical resource value sites, provincial gravel deposits, confined feeding operations, oil and gas, roads, development, ownership (ie: Crown, municipal, private), zoning, and statutory plans.
The IDP includes a dispute resolution process, including mediation and an appeal to the provincial municipal government board.
A similar public hearing will be held in the MD of Bighorn, and information gathered at both hearings with be shared with each municipality. If and when the plan is approved, it will guide future planning and development of lands within the IDP area.
The complete proposed plan (bylaw 02/19) can be viewed on the county’s website.