CARSTAIRS - A ranch east of Carstairs was recently honoured with a plaque from Mountain View County (MVC) after 100 years in operation.
A ceremony was held on July 4 at the Good Limousin Ranch where MVC councillor Dwayne Fulton presented the family with the plaque from the Province of Alberta.
Kim Good, who lives on the farm with her husband Lindsey Good and their two boys, said the presentation went well.
"We had a really nice turnout," said Kim Good. "We had family come from Oregon and Ecuador, so that was cool. We had a little presentation from the county, which was nice. I think it feels great to be recognized for being a part of a long-standing industry that is so important to this region."
The Good family still tends to the ranch although they no longer produce Limousin cattle.
"We had purebred Limousin cattle from the early 1970s to just a few years ago," she said. "We grow wheat, canola, peas and some fun crop every year. We do a little experiment. We've done fava beans, soybeans and chickpeas."
Also on the ranch are Kim's mother-in-law and father-in-law Gerry and Ruth Good (Lindsey's parents) and an uncle.
The Good Limousin Ranch was started in 1918 by Gerry's grandparents Ada and Ira Good.
"They actually came in 1915 but they bought the home place in 1918," she said. "They started to break land, they had dairy cows, chickens, beef cows. Gerry's dad, Ray Good, had Herefords. In the 1970s when exotic cattle were coming into North America, he got in on that. He was pretty instrumental in bringing Limos here."