CARSTAIRS -- Council passed first reading of a bylaw to redesignate an area in the Scarlett Ranch neighbourhood from municipal reserve to public utility lot.
The move came during the recent council meeting following a presentation by Sarah Nielsen from Urban Systems, the town's planner.
Carstairs CAO Carl McDonnell said the redesignation is necessary because Atco Gas has a transmission line running through town that passes through the lots.
"When it first got registered, it was registered as municipal reserve instead of utility," said McDonnell. "It's more of a housekeeping thing. It should have been registered as public utility. Council gave it first reading. It'll get circulated for 30 days and then come back for second and third reading."
In other council news, council and administration are continuing to go through and delete older bylaws that are no longer in use including one from 1914 concerning the licensing, regulating and governing of hawkers and peddlers, and another from 1939 regarding transient traders.
"We're having the committee go through all our bylaws and seeing which ones are outdated or should have been repealed previously but weren't," he said.
Council also updated a policy regarding standards for hosting third-party information on the town website and other electronic media.
"That one came out of a committee recommendation to have us look into how much was on the town website and how much is the town's information and how much is information for other organizations that we house for them," he said. "Part of the frustration we were getting is that the (third-party) information wasn't being updated in a timely fashion."
McDonnell said they fixed up the policy to say that town information was the most critical information on the website.
"We can have links to other websites but we shouldn't be housing information for other organizations," he said.
McDonnell said the town website will still have event dates and show posters but won't have organizations' information.
"That streamlines our website a little bit more and our staff can concentrate on updating our information, which was the complaint we were getting -- that our information was old and conflicting or hadn't been updated in a timely fashion," he said.