DIDSBURY - A group of local residents took in the Collective Kitchen Training course at Didsbury High School on Feb. 4.
The course was put on by the Mountain View Community Adult Learning Society.
"We're teaching people how to run collective kitchens in the area," said organizer Jen Awde, dietitian for Alberta Health Services. "A collective kitchen is a group of people who get together and cook. What we're doing here is going through steps they might consider when doing a collective kitchen, such as picking out recipes together, costing recipes as well as going over roles in the kitchen."
Awde said the course went really well and everyone that took the course learned several things. Seven people in all took the course.
"They're community leaders so hopefully this will carry on in the future," she said. "Collective kitchens are great. It's getting people together to cook. It usually reduces costs because of the bulk purchasing power. Another good reason is that you get to talk to people while you cook so it doesn't seem like work."