Mountain View County (MVC) council has approved the paving of the entrance road and parking area of the new agriculture shop near the county head office. The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
“When council reviewed the construction elements involved in the new shop facility, direction was given to evaluate paving the road and parking lot when a road paving project was within close proximity to the construction area,” county CAO Tony Martens said in a briefing note to council.
“Because of the close proximity of this year's paving projects, quotes were sought to complete the paving of the shop.”
Richardson Brothers came in with the lowest qualified bid at $141,146, he said.
“The engineering for the project is an additional 15 per cent of the cost, for a total of $162,500,” he said.
Mountain View County's new $2.1-million agriculture lands and parks services shop is about 7,000 square feet in size.
It houses agricultural service board equipment, lands and parks department equipment, pesticide and parts, and has staff offices and work areas. It officially opened on June 10.
In other news, council has directed administration to include the proposed new eastside shop project in the 2017 budget for consideration.
“Two years ago operational services prepared a report titled ‘The Didsbury Shop Needs Assessment',” he said. “One of the recommendations from this report was to look at constructing a shop east of Highway 2 where the county currently has no facilities to store equipment.
“This facility would help increase the efficiency of county operations east of the highway and decrease response times in winter.”
The recommendation is that the county use the former Elliot gravel pit (SE 23-31-27-4) as the site of the new facility.
“Administration would like to include this project in the 2017 budget for consideration with the estimated cost to construct and prepare the site at $950,000,” he said.
The proposed shop would be about 4,000 square feet in size, have three shop bays with overhead doors, and would include washrooms and storage accommodated within the bay area.