On Monday, the province rolled out new rules for those who are self quarantining.
All provinces across Canada have come together to issue uniform public health measures for people who are self-quarantining.
If residents are self-quarantining because they recently came back from being out of the country or if they are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19, they must remain on their own property, rented or owned.
Hinshaw said people who are self-quarantining are not allowed to leave their property, but are permitted to go outdoors on their own property, rented or owned. Alberta’s top doctor said you are no longer able to go for walks in your neighbourhood or visit a park if you are self-quarantining.
Residents who live in an apartment building or condo complex are not allowed to use the elevator or stairwell to go outside.
This graph, from the GIS Hub provided by Esri Canada, shows the accumulation of cases by province. Use the scroll bar located above the graph to zoom into a particular date.