CARSTAIRS -- Welcome to the very first Carstairs Corner. On a monthly basis we’ll be contributing to the Gazette by providing some details on stuff that’s been happening around town.
We want to share some of the really interesting stories that are happening. The schools, the library, the different associations all are very active in this community but it’s tough for the Gazette to cover it all.
This column won’t be able to cover it all either, but the newspaper has generously given us this space to ensure some of the lesser-known stories get a little bit of exposure.
So, to start us off this month, there was some excitement over at the curling rink on May 14. You may have wondered what was going on. Was it a rogue landscaping truck coming into our midst? Did curling rivals come to fisticuffs? Well, there’s no curling.
EMS, Carstairs’ firefighters, the Town of Carstairs, RCMP, victim's services, and Heartland Funeral Services from Olds all got together with the Hugh Sutherland Double Trouble Drinking and Driving student team to create a mock accident.
Every three years these teams stage a mock accident in order to bring awareness of the consequences to youth of drinking and driving, being high and driving, and being distracted and driving.
According to Janet Cornell, family school wellness worker at Hugh Sutherland School, the students involved took this exercise seriously and were very attentive to what can occur when bad decisions are made.
The intention is to encourage students to make better choices.
I think this is a great idea and I can think of many groups of adults that could also do with being a part of this project.
While it’s great that these students are being encouraged to start good habits, it would also be nice if adults that continually make these poor decisions were exposed to the potential consequences of their decisions.
We always think that it won’t happen to us, but it can and the law of averages says it will.
If you would like to take part in this column or contribute in some way, please send an email to [email protected] and help bring greater exposure to this great little community.