The 2017 agricultural service board summer tour of Mountain View and Red Deer counties in July came in well under budget, says Coun. Duncan Milne.
During his councillor report at the recent regularly scheduled council meeting, Milne said while the county had budgeted a maximum of $50,000 for the tour, total costs were lower.
"I'm happy to say we came in at about $46,000 total, or $23,000 each (county)," said Milne, who was the county's representative on the tour's organizing committee.
"There was some significant savings in that we use all local entertainment," he said. "It was a good deal."
The summer tour saw members of agricultural service boards from across the province visit local farms, ranches, businesses and recreation facilities.
Reeve Bruce Beattie said, "It really was a great tour."
In her report to council, Coun. Angela Aalbers said Olds town councillor Mary Anne Overwater has been re-elected chair of the Mountain View Regional Waste Management Commission.
New members on the commission include Sundre mayor Terry Leslie, she said.
"I think we are set up to move forward in a very good way," Aalbers said.
In his councillor report, Reeve Beattie said the first regularly scheduled meeting for Mountain View Seniors' Housing (MVSH) will be held on Nov. 30.
"We are in fairly good shape from a budget perspective," said Beattie. "But next year is going to be another challenge because, first of all we have the carbon levy that we have no way to recover from the province. That's why $100,000 was added into the requisition this year.
"We've also got a five per cent increase for our costs. So we've asked our partners for a five per cent increase in the requisition and we've asked our residents for a five per cent increase in their costs."
Another challenge facing MVSH involves the province's decision "that casual workers should receive five days' paid holiday," he said.
"This is going to cost us about $200,000," he said. "It is going to present budgetary challenges."
MVSH officials have been in talks with the province regarding the need for a new lodge in Carstairs, he said.
In his report, Coun. Greg Harris said the contractor has been selected for the new Cremona library project.
Work on the new Water Valley Community Centre is also progressing, he said.