Residents in the Olds and Sundre area along Highway 27 will be surveyed as part of an initiative aimed at promoting the district as a regional tourism destination.
The multi-stakeholder Mountain View County Tourism and Heritage Subcommittee is overseeing the visitor friendly survey project. A report on the subcommittee's work was presented to county's policies and priorities committee by chairperson Greg Campkin on May 7.
Expedition Management Consulting has been hired by Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation to conduct the survey, which will cover the Highway 27 corridor from the Highway 2 intersection to the county boundary west of Sundre, including six miles north and south of Highway 27.
The survey and subsequent report of findings will be presented to council in October.
Objectives of the survey project include “incorporate an approach that addresses the region as a regional tourism destination, develop a final report that compiles all information and work gathered from the project, and make recommendations about incorporating a regional approach to the visitor friendly assessment.”
It is the intention of the steering committee to hold public meeting or meetings with stakeholders to present the final report, which includes the findings and recommendations about incorporating a regional approach to the visitor friendly assessment process, said Campkin.
“The project is precedent setting,” said Campkin. “It is the first time Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation has undertaken a visitor friendly survey that brings in a regional perspective and is not just for one municipality,” said Campkin.